Sex can be a wonderful an pleasurable experience with some one or by yourself. The feeling of being pleased is the ultimate pleasure. When you're single or when you're alone at night and just need that special touch using a sex toy is top choice for a large portion of the population. Sex toys are able to out perform and out last any human but what happens after that ultimate goal is reached?
Cleaning your toys properly is extremely important to the upkeep and life of your toy or if you're real feisty toys. There are several ways to clean and maintain your toys such as sterilizing, toy cleaner or just using good old fashion soap and warm water.
Sterilizing doesn't work for all toys due to the certain types of materials or the functionality of your toy such as being water proof or made of silicon, plastic, glass and the list goes on and on and freaking on. I'm not trying to get all technical but when I think sterilization from home I think of boiling water and placing the item into the container.. boom clean and it is just that simple. I would recommend an item that will be specifically for the use of cleaning toys. We wouldn't want grandma eating out a bowl you cleaned your toy in now would we?
Toy cleaners are another choice but not all toy cleaners are for all toys. There are a variety of good toy cleaners but the key is to find an effective one before having to take a trip to the cooch doctor for an itch you can't explain. From wipes to sprays to gels there are a plethora of products to choose from when it comes to adult toy cleaners. Reading is they say but following the
manufactures guidelines is the best bet to finding the proper toy cleaner.
Me... myself... and I prefer a good hand wash with soap and warm water. I personally use antibacterial soap a sink filled with warm water and my hands. I place toy in water along with soap to get a suds party going then I apply more soap to my hands to lather all surfaces of toy. After washing the toy I then rinse with water and place toy on clean towel to dry.
All in All please clean your toy after every use and sharing is defiantly not caring when it comes to sex toys.